Videomoog 3.0 was born as a joint project between Otolab
and Peppolasagna on the basis of the latter’s former
projects (Videomoog and Videomoog 2.0), partly resumed
and modified so as to correspond to specific aesthetical,
technical and performative needs.
Videomoog 3.0 features four oscillators, each generating
a separate audio-video signal and several filters which allow
modification, following typical analog-synth modalities.
As the same circuits generate both audio and video, any action
on any sound parameter triggers a real-time synchronized
video variation, and viceversa.
The Videomoog 3.0 control knobs are hosted on three separate
panels. Each panel is controlled by a performer so as to affect
the audio and video signal generated by the other two.
The oscillator-generated signal is controlled by an internal
analog sequencer whose sequences, bpm and pitch are
managed separetely on the three panels so that, for instance,
a perfomer may control the rythmical sequence while another
performer is controlling the pitch for each of the four sources.
Videomoog 3.0 is not a tempered instrument.
Videomoog 3.0 fits with the research to develop interactivity
among performers, introducing practices which are typical
in improvised music whilst applying the jazz-derived concept
of interplay to an electronic audiovisual liveset where sounds
and video are machine-generated.
Otolab presents a liveset which is wholly based on the
potentialities of Videomoog 3.0: three performers create
a liveset where rythmical and tymbrical sequences evolve
along with their visual representation or, if one prefers,
where geometrical moving images evolve along with
their sonic representation.
Videomoog 3.0 was first presented at the Netmage 04 festival.
Videomoog 3.0 is a work in progress.
Project and development: peppolasagna
Performers: fd, rzl, scrub
Concept and production: otolab 2004