op7 is a live audiovisual performance that develops a new way of reading the concept of the tunnel as a metaphor of the journey and the survey about the audiovisual perception, through the optical language. The project was realized for the Mixed Media festival taking place at the Hangar Bicocca in front of the installation “Seven Heavenly Doors” of Kiefer.
Seven entrances, seven tunnels, seven journeys throughout as many experience optical environments looking for the final entire and unique wholeness.

op7 e’ una live audiovisual perfomance che attraverso il linguaggio optical sviluppa una rilettura del tema del tunnel come metafora del viaggio e indagine sulla percezione audiovisiva. Il progetto nasce in occasione del festival Mixed Media all’Hangar Bicocca di fronte all’installazione “Sette porte celesti” di Kiefer.
Sette ingressi, sette tunnel, sette viaggi attraverso altrettanti ambienti esperienziali optical alla ricerca dell’unita’ finale.

Concept & Production: otolab, 2007
Audio: sn, dies_, mud, scrub, maikko, tonylight
Video: mud, dies_, xo00, peppolasagna, fd, orgone
Total time: 40.00′

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